Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Just a quick note. We just got back from your First Easter in Connecticut at Mama Anna's and Pampa's. You got to see Meme and Tata came from France. Just wanted to show you a couple of quick pictures.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Catching Up

Hi Harper,

I've been slacking lately with the entries. I'll try and catch up because so much has happened in the past few weeks, its hard to find time to sleep let alone keep things updated here.

Your Baptism has come and gone, so has Halloween. I've gone some good pictures of both which I'll share soon.

We've had your 4 month check up, you're still HUUUGGEEE, you're in the 99.96th percentile for height. Basically you're a 4 month old in a 8 month old's body. You were up to 15.2 lbs (60th percentile). You're getting too big for mom to carry for long periods of time. (She's not very happy about that)

You had your first sleep over at Aunt Michelle's on Halloween. We also had a major snow storm that night. We didn't get much in the city but Auntie Meg and Jo got 22 inches!

You're doing well and settling into a nice routine at daycare, you're obviously the favorite of all the folks over there. You're they're little muñeca.

I have to run for now. More posts to come soon!

I love you.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Baptism Invites are Here!

You're Cordially invited....

So it only took your mother 2 hours at the paper store to get these guys mocked up. Only to have them printed, at home and freak out that we should have written Baptism instead of Christening... Well I hope you'll forgive us. At least you have a cute picture thanks to Andi!

As I write this Mom is currently sitting on the couch behind me feverishly searching online for your dress for the ceremony. More details to come I suppose. Would you be fine with the Dior dress?

Love you much,

Mom & Dad

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Group Nap Time



Big news this weekend. You've figured out how to get your fingers in your mouth. A major milestone considering you hate your pacifier but want something to suck on to soothe yourself to sleep. Anyways, after a number of finger related injuries (see scratches on face or fingers up nose) I think it is safe to declare victory. Oh and its not just one finger, I'm pretty sure it'd be your whole hand if it would fit.

Love you much.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2 Months!

Hi Harps,

2 Months old last week. Here's the evidence.

Love you,




I want you to know how much your poop matters. Back when we first got Ainsley dad and I went through a phase where all we would talk about was whether Ainsley pooped. Now with you it's about whether you pooped, when, how much, the color, the texture. We sound like crazy people. I actually get sad when I miss a poop and dad has to change it. I get depressed and anxious when you don't poop for a few days. One day when you have children and I tell you not to worry you can remind me how much I worried and I will remind you that in the end green, liquidy, stinky, or every 7 days didn't matter as long as you were happy.

Love you pooper